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Currently, there are 5 departments with 8 majors in undergraduate education.

Accounting Department: Accounting, Finance Management, Auditing

Business Administration Department: Business Administration

Economics Department: International Economics and Trade

Postgraduate Education: Business Administration and Master of professional accounting

The academic master of business administration (first-level discipline) aims to cultivate high-level academic research-oriented business administration talents, which requires the cultivation of professional knowledge and skills, thinking and analysis ability, judgment ability, decision-making ability and collaboration ability, expression ability and social ability. It requires the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence and body, with certain innovation ability and adapt to the needs of the socialist market economy. Master of science in business administration research direction: financial accounting theory and method; Management accounting theory and method; Corporate governance; Human resource management; Financial management; Marketing; Tourism planning; Tourism culture; Tourism enterprise management; Sports economic management.

Accounting (second-level discipline) aims to serve the economic and social construction of Sichuan province, combines accounting with finance and other discipline theories, builds a reasonable scientific research team around the forefront of accounting theory, and conducts extensive basic theoretical research and applied research. At present, the researches subfields include accounting theory and practice as well as the financial management theory and practice. 

Enterprise management (second-level discipline) aims to serve the economic and social construction of Sichuan province, focuses on improving the growth ability of enterprises, and pays attention to the cross-integration of management, economics, sociology, information science and other disciplines. On the basis of extensive basic theoretical research and application research, the research subfields mainly include: corporate governance, human resource management, financial management and marketing.

Tourism management (second-level discipline) mainly studies how to optimize and improve local tourism policies by using tourism basic theories, how to link the development of tourism industry with the integration and interactive development of related industries, and apply it to the reform of tourism economic strategy, promotion and upgrading of tourism and exhibition industry, etc. The research subfields include tourism planning, tourism culture, tourism enterprise management and sports tourism.